>about us
viktor andré fuchs
founder & Director:
„As a teenager I joined a visitors tour around the construction site of the soon to open new Munich Airport. The mere size of the airport, the hangars, all the operational aviation and engineering equipment around impressed me to an extend which made working in aviation my biggest dream to come true. Some decades later the airport is still my daily office view and hopefully it will be for many more years to come.
I guess for all people working in aviation it is more than just work, it is simply a passion that you cannot avoid, that follows you the whole day until your sleep:
The sound of a starting engine, the smell of cerosine in the air, the look of a jet taking off and climbing up its way into the sky…. All this still brings me a goose skin.
I am looking forward to share my passion for aviation with you.”
contact us
FX Aero GmbH
enquiries: charter@fxaero.com
Website: www.charter.com
24/7 phone: +49 151 6270 3248